Building on mirroring the Docker Hub, I next wanted a way to share private Docker images between my main Docker host and with Docker Machines on VMs. Of course, I could have gone the route of subscribing to a service like Quay or even Docker Hub's own private plans, but again I'm limited on my bandwidth supply and, this would also mean re-downloading images across VMs, which is very wasteful.

It turns out that I can also run local private registries on the same host as my mirror as its own container, and what's more, I can put these all together in a simple Docker Compose system.

Mirroring the Docker Hub

Some recent work in maintaining the official Perl image for Docker lead me into pulling in different copies and tags of buildpack-deps more than once, in different machines; as a result, I used a lot of network bandwidth for image pulling. Aside from this, I also run several VMs via libvirt/KVM, via Docker Machine to start up VMs for Docker Swarm and Minikube.

I wanted to save my bandwidth usage, and it turns out there is a way to do this by building on some Docker features...

Some Slackware tips


I've been using Slackware Linux since around 2010-2011, moving from Debian mainly because I got tired of the package churn and following the internal politics of DDs. Initially I tried it as a way of getting a close to BSD experience on Linux, since I was already using OpenBSD at the time (more on that on a later post.) Turns out that having a prior BSD experience helps a lot, especially as Slackware is as "upstream" as upstream gets (very minimal, if any, distro-specific changes, as a matter of policy.)

Since it was Slackware's birthday just sometime ago, let me share some tips and tricks I've learned over the years.

Let's Encrypt with Crypt::LE

It has been a while since I last posted, let alone update my infra a bit, so here's one quick entry to document it.

For the longest time I haven't enabled SSL on my blog or other HTTP sites; I used to use Comodo, then StartCom SSL. However, I got wind that StartCom (along with WoSign) will soon be distrusted by Google Chrome, et al. after some reviews of their operation. The good thing though, is that there's now a Let's Encrypt initiative which provides free SSL certificates, so I figure it is high time for me to re-integrate SSL once more.

Docker and daemontools: best buddies

I've been running docker for quite a while now, as I found it fun to use, and rather easy to deploy even on a Slackware system. It is even better to use it with daemontools, both to supervise the docker process as well as to be an alternative to init inside containers. Here are some notes regarding this kind of usage: